SASMO is a math olympiad contest that stretches not only the brightest students but is aimed at instilling confidence for all students.
The contest is designed in a way to make every student love Math again. SASMO contest fits nicely into the school curriculum with a high focus on non routine problem sums – preparing for SASMO contest helps students prepare for the PSLE and O-Level exams.
Vanda is an International Science Competition held annually around the globe. It focuses on the student’s ability to think critically and creatively to pick out hidden information to aid them in solving the question.
Vanda is for students from primary 3 to secondary 4 (Grade 3 to Grade 11). It follows closely with the Singapore School Science Syllabus and tests students based on their level of content that they have learned.
We are delighted to bring you, Design Thinking with robotics and Computational Thinking International Competition (DrCT).
DrCT will get students to improve in Coding and Programming and helps them to prepare for the National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), the highest national contest for Informatics in all countries before the best 4 students (up to grade 12) are selected to represent their country for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).
Hippo “English Without Borders“ Olympiad is an international Olympiad which promotes English language, challenges students around the globe to compete in English language knowledge, and improves the co-operation between teachers.
The Olympiad encourages the development of a shared sense of identity and integration, serves as a role model for young people living together as one community.
The main goal is to create and nourish friendly relations, international understanding and a spirit of sporting competitiveness between young people interested in English language from all around the world.
The American Mathematics Olympiad (AMO) is a division of the Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools, USA (MOEMS), and is one of the country's oldest and most prestigious primary and secondary school math competitions.
In ASEAN and Greater China, the Singapore International Math Contests Centre (SIMCC) is the major organiser of AMO (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).
Mathematical Kangaroo (also known as International Mathematical Kangaroo or Kangourou sans frontieres in French) is an international mathematical competition that takes place in 92 countries. There are twelve levels of participation, ranging from 1to 12 grades. The key competence tested by Mathematical Kangaroo is not just pure knowledge of formulas, but the logical combination of concepts.
Kangourou sans Frontieres is an organisation made up by mathematicians from all over the world. They aim to spread the love of mathematics, encourage mathematical education in schools, and create a favourable perception of mathematics in society, motivated by the importance of mathematics in the current world